The LipiView diagnostic instrumentation and LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation Units by TearScience bring an enormous advance for our patients suffering from one of the most common conditions seen in virtually every optometric and ophthalmic practice – including the Duke Eye Center in Durham, NC. This condition is dry eye and the most common cause resulting in dry eye is tear film instability rather than tear production. If you asked me 15 years ago about dryness of the ocular surface, I would relate the problem to aging, hormonal changes, and inadequate tear production. We have witnessed a dramatic shift in our understanding of this common condition which helps us understand why tear production may be measured as normal or even increased in the dry eye patient. It is quality rather than quantity. Artificial tears, punctal plugs, Restasis, and ointments have not offered a complete solution for the patient who has developed an unstable tear film and meibomian gland dysfunction resulting from a lifestyle (decreased blinking, computer monitor, cell phone, reduced sleeping, cable television, internet and email reading) that adversely impacts the physiologic benefit of normal blinking.
One of our patients from this past week has given us full permission to share her story with you. A year ago I would have called her an average patient but now that I have moved LipiFlow to my front line of therapeutic options, I would say that she is much worse than my average patient who chooses treatment before declining to this point.
Full Disclosure:
While LipiFlow offers a dramatic change in my approach to patients with symptomatic evaporative dry eye, I want to fully disclose that I am:
a) compensated by Duke Medical Center for taking care of patients
b) compensated by TearScience as an adviser and consultant